Wednesday, March 18, 2015


"Those fish have a really huge room to swim in! I wish I could go in that room."
"The shark is my favorite but I really like the unicorn fish too."
"Where is the alligator? He probably needs to put a coat on to come outside."
Zane packed our lunches all by himself -- juice boxes, string cheese, and granola bars.
"She probably wants to be left alone to nap."
"This is his nostril?"
"Oh. . . that's so cute."
"Good one, monks!"
"Why are we coming to a stop? It's already over?"
"This one can be a boar the smaller ones over there are piggies."
"I like dragons but I don't really like dragons. Let's stay away from dragons."
"How can I stop it?"
"I think the cheetah. . . I mean the leopard likes me."