Friday, December 29, 2017

Pre Winter Break

Almost two weeks ago Vanessa and Zane worked hard to prepare treats for teachers, school resource people, and classmates, just before launching into winter break. One of the moms pointed out that its the last holiday party for our 5th graders. That brings a lot of relief but it also feels too soon to be closing that chapter for V.

They gave personalized gifts to their closest teachers and they made homemade caramel sauce packed with apples for their extracurricular teachers, principal, secretaries, and custodians.

Zane made reindeer applesauce cups for his classmates. And Vanessa made snowmen cheese sticks. Zane's class party was hopping with games, crafts, and treats. I was able to spend most of my time with Vanessa's class, where she played 6 different games, ate a ton of treats, and asked to take a picture with me. She was so tickled to use the "ugly sweater" photo prop.

Between school and organized groups, we partied way hard this Christmas season.

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

In a Flash

A couple of months ago, Zane and I went shopping for a reptile but came home with an amphibian, a fire-bellied toad. The toad didn't make it more than a few days. Not sure what happened but the moisture wasn't optimal, so the poor guy didn't have extra support for any struggling he was already dealing with.  Zane named him Flash.  He felt a little sad to have lost him but not devastated. Zane went back to wanting a turtle.

Then while we were out Christmas shopping, we stopped by the pet store for crickets for Vanessa's gecko, Skar. We checked out that cats and talked about how maybe one day we can get a cat, and we checked out the hamsters and rats for fun. As we were walking by a golden gecko, Zane noticed the sale price and asked if he could have him. I stood there for a moment and thought . . . sure! Why not? So I proceeded to walk to the front of the store to ask about the gecko. They told us that he's a very fast guy and will take a while to warm up to being held by Zane. Zane felt like he could wait. He actually sort of seemed to like the relief of any pressure from having to handle the gecko too often. We went for it. The clerk took a while to catch him, but we got him and brought him home.

The golden gecko IS super fast and scales the sides of the aquarium, unlike Vanessa's gecko. I can't tell if Zane likes that the gecko seems more intense than Vanessa's, like he's pretty sure his gecko would win a race.

Zane decided since the gecko is so fast, he truly deserves the name Flash, so he is Flash II.  Flash eagerly eats and supposedly likes a variety of insects. We've read that he will like mango too, so we're trying some of Grandma's mango soon!

Friday, December 22, 2017


Vanessa has been eager to try things at the local Hilliard Arts Council. It started a couple of years ago when she had to make a tough choice between softball and an invitation to perform in a musical. Last year the Hilliard Arts Council started a youth chorus, but once again we had too many conflicts with schedules. This year we made sure to carve out time and she enjoyed every part of it! 

Her first performance was informal. The second was a bit more formal. And her last felt very formal. She even sang in Jewish! One of her WEP goals for school this year has to do with building confidence speaking and performing in front of others. It can be hard for many to understand that she is actually introverted in this way -- she's one of those hard to read personalities due to the way she copes and the amount of energy her brain is trying to channel. But she's pushing herself and trying. I'm so proud of her!

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Tis the Season

She won't be walking these halls daily much longer. Weird to think about. So thankful for her many friends and the new seasons to come . . .

Monday, December 18, 2017

Anything she can do . . .

. . .  I can do better.
No you can't. 
Yes I can!

Wednesday, December 13, 2017


Zane shared about our Thanksgiving Tree tradition. I love what he put on the tree this year and that he shared with his classmates and teachers.

Monday, December 11, 2017

Another One of Santa's Elves

Friday, December 8, 2017

True Bromance

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Take Note

Monday, December 4, 2017


Friday, December 1, 2017

Babe in Toyland

Hendrix enjoys Vanessa's and Zane's toys. And some of his own. Now the season brings even more fun.