Monday, March 31, 2014

Zoo Joy

For Zane it was in seeing Beco, the baby elephant (not so little anymore) and moose and riding the train (in which we were the only riders.) For Vanessa it was in playing at the polar bear playground, riding the carousel, and eating our packed lunches with friends. For me it was in watching their joy.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Not Too Big

There's a new twist when we visit COSI now. We often do a variety of things and we're certain to always squeeze in some time in Little Kidspace. But now Vanessa and friends are too old so they go in the Big KidLab while Zane and friends play.

I'm sure Vanessa's a little jealous that she never got a chance to play on the new climbing wall, but even so, she was excited to see Zane get a chance. She's not too big to know just how exciting a feat that is. Zane's grown taller, and his ability to balance himself on the old bike in Progress shows just how much he's grown, but he's not too big for us to lavish him with praise for doing all big things well.

After returning home from an all-day trip to COSI, Zane asked "Mommy? Will you hold me?"

Wednesday, March 26, 2014


Spring Break includes more make-believe games with most of us. Another favorite this time is library. Zane made a great assistant and was able to scan and bag my books for me.  What I loved about this activity was that without much direction, Vanessa and Zane cataloged the books in very creative ways.

We played several rounds where I told the librarian what I was interested in. First I told her I was interested in books that included pigs. She brought me four pretty quickly and hunted for more. She explained with the Noah's Ark book that the pig isn't mentioned in the text but we know there was a pig on Noah's Ark, so I should still read it if I like reading about pigs. :-) She also searched for non-fiction, historical fiction, poetry, science, books with mommies, etc.

Then Brok came and destroyed the library and while he rested, Zane ended up searching more books for pigs.

Monday, March 24, 2014


When Zane asks for help to complete a puzzle, what he really means is that he wants you to sit beside him quietly and not interfere. I try to work the puzzle in a more systematic way, and Vanessa seemed to enjoy learning strategies for solving puzzles, like find the border pieces first, but Zane has his own way that doesn't seem to jive well with mine. If I sit back and watch, he puts it together on his own. He likes to complete his favorite part of the puzzle first. Then he'll look for other recognizable subjects and colors. If it's a new puzzle, he may allow you to point out possible connections.

Once he's finished it, don't get too excited because he'll mess it all up and do it all over again. He prefers to do it over and over and over again . . . until he finally caves to my pleas for something else.
Can you guess his favorite part to start in this particular puzzle? Rintoo is quite recognizable.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Spring Cleaning

Vanessa's gym class committed their exercises this week to raising funds for the AHA. She was driven by the rubber duckie on a lanyard. And we knew the exercises were not really challenging her to think about selfless acts to help, so we made an agreement for her to complete three new chores three times to earn a donation for her prize. She helped determine the new chores -- sweeping around the kitchen island, putting away most of a load of dishes, and cleaning the toilet.

We had to make clear that these chores should be done when necessary, not all at once. :-) For some reason she was eager to add potty cleaning to the list -- this was hard for me to teach without fretting over spreading of germs! She very willingly signed the contract and has been eager to complete her chores. Zane is very willing to help too. A great way to usher in spring!

Update (4.2.14):
"Hoops For Heart success!!!  
Thank you to all who helped make our Hoops For Heart event such a success.  Over 130 students made pledges and raised over $7,800 setting a new school record for the second year in a row.  The money raised will help the American Heart Association with much needed funding for research, education, and services for those in need. 
~Mr. Ensign"

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Spa Day

Impulsively Vanessa begged for a spa day one evening.  She set up towels, lotions and polishes in her room. We ran out of time so we negotiated an oatmeal foot bath in the tub. As we put on face masks, I told Vanessa I was going to start on her T-zone. She asked what I meant and I told her she would have to see. It only took her a second, "Mom, I know why it's called a T-zone. You made a T over my eyebrows and down my nose." We rinsed off our face masks and Zane said "Now that's a smooth face. My face is soooooooo . . . smooth and soft."

Monday, March 17, 2014

Irish Fairy

This year St. Patty's Day couldn't get here fast enough. Vanessa has been intrigued by leprechauns. She's thrown together multiple leprechaun outfits. She made leprechaun glasses and headdresses. I'm not sure if it's the pot of gold that leprechauns so lustfully protect or if it's all about the greens they wear.

We have been reading about the history of St. Patrick and I told her I would share interesting leprechaun facts with her Monday evening. She may be disappointed to learn just how ugly leprechauns act in Irish folklore. She explained to me how a rainbow is just an illusion (and reminded me that rainbows are a reminder of God's promise), so maybe she won't be as disappointed as one may expect.

A moment of warmth allowed us to trim hair on the front porch, so birds can use the trimmings for their nests, of course. Those birds are pretty lucky to get hints of gold in their soft Irish-looking bedding.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Tree Service

“And the boy loved the tree.......very much. And the tree was happy.” 
― Shel SilversteinThe Giving Tree

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

For the Birds

Some may think it's only for the birds, but Grandma and Grandpa knew their grandkids would love to make pine cone feeders for the birds.

I do believe, however, that another day of snow is for the birds. Good thing the birds have some food to help them hang on just a tad bit longer.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

The Game

Vanessa made a shot! And from the evidence here, Daddy scored a lot of awesome shots!

Friday, March 7, 2014

Happy Birthday, Tucker!

Birthday Thoughts for Sweet Celia!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Far From Ordinary

To some I'm just ordinary. To others I'm far from ordinary and serve as a wife, mom, sister, daughter, aunt, niece, friend, housekeeper, caregiver, nurse, baker, chef, educator, playmate, magician, learner nurturer, artist, author, counselor, freelancer, seeker, manicurist, hair dresser, dreamer, gardener, adventurer . . .

There's a lot to balance. I attempt to prioritize my lists according to what really matters and brings joy. Sometimes I fail but I just try again.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Happy Birthday, Luke!!