Monday, November 30, 2015

What to do . . .

. . . with the leftover pumpkins?

Friday, November 27, 2015

So Thankful

I'm thankful for many things. I'm mostly thankful God has blessed us with a wonderful little family. I'm thankful that in spite of our imperfections, we forgive and deeply love each other. I'm thankful for the times we can chill and play however we please.

"[G]ive thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." ~ 1 Thess. 5:18

Monday, November 23, 2015

Literally Super

This is an example of something literally super -- trimming soup labels and Box Tops, some of which were generously sent to her, to give her school just a little more.

Anyone that has spent time with Vanessa in recent months has heard her use "literally" with almost everything that comes out of her mouth. It's actually faded a tad now but it still comes out. Same with Zane only he chooses to describe everything as "super" -- I love his usage!

Time is flying by so fast but these two make it super, literally . . .

UPDATE: Vanessa finished trimming, organizing and counting her labels and was amazed at how much money it would provide for her school in just 45 minutes of her time. 282 Box Top labels and 34 Labels for Education. She was ecstatic . . .

Friday, November 20, 2015

Making Merry

The simple things, right? Zane loves inflatables. What person doesn't enjoy them at least a tad? I mean, they are very much like huge balloons, and we love balloons. Zane begins asking to see the huge inflatables at Lowe's around Halloween time. We like looking at all the decorations but the ones on the top shelf, way out of reach, are really cool.

We went into At Home the other day, looking for some stuff for organizing. I told Zane it would be fun to walk through the store so I could brainstorm some other things too. As we turned the corner we were in inflatable heaven! These pictures barely give a taste of the number and variety. Other customers stopped to watch and listen to Zane's enthusiastic comments. I commented to one couple "Why buy them when we can come here to see all of them on display?!" This might be becoming a tradition for Zane and me but this was definitely an extra merry year.
He's waving to the Santa that descends and ascends in the chimney.
 Santa is huge! "Mom, let's count the different Santas. There are a lot."
We may have been most excited about Olaf, which we missed the photo op for. 

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Nosey Bottoms

Vanessa talking to Zane: "Well I am a nosey bottoms." Vanessa then looks at me and says "What?! Of course I'm a nosey bottoms. You know that. I do like to stick my nose in things all the time to know what's going on, so I'm a nosey bottoms."

She's genuinely and authentically transparent. :-) Love her.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Zane Trace

This is the time of year we go digging back through photos to figure out which ones haven't been shared and ones that are worth documenting what we've been doing. We practice our letters, reading and math. We discuss sciences and social studies throughout our experiences. Zane is a busy boy and there's a huge trace of evidence for how far he's come!

Friday, November 13, 2015

The Hilliard Betz Studio

Our house feels cluttered by their creations. We even have a pretty set routine for pitching things, and the kids have come to accept there is a time and place. They also count on my taking pictures and sharing their works with others.
I find piles full of things like this. I sort and choose the ones I think are at least top examples to share and document with pictures. There are many I just have to pitch. It's hard to decide. First, I'm not sure I'm qualified to choose their best works. The judge should have a total objective eye, right?! Above Vanessa drew some minions. Below, Zane drew various things.
Below Zane made a book with many pages. Vanessa was at school during this project. Zane is all the time trying to live up to his sister's 8-year-old abilities. I have to give him constant reassurance. Frankly, I totally believe he's an amazing and skilled artist. But he mopes and insists his final products are not that great. He can be pretty self critical where Vanessa's only and reasonably concerned with what others think.

Read the cover of his book. He came up with some various words for its title. You can somewhat easily make out his name and his attempt to write "Awesomeness". There's a heart toward the end of the red lettering. He finished the cover saying he didn't do it right. "Uh . . . son, that's pretty darn good for a kid who just turned five." The pages of his book consisted of creepers and various Minecraft designs. The third picture below shows how he refused to pose for a picture because he was frustrated that it wasn't perfect. 
Vanessa's been a good artist but she dreaded art class last year. It was noisy and the class often had to take the punishment for a select few. Vanessa struggled with this and even attempted a few sick days to avoid it. This year her friend Charlotte is in the class with the few that typically cause disruptions and Vanessa is not. This year Vanessa's days with art class are calm and open for a lot of self expression. She can't get enough of it. I hear her talking about that class almost as much as gym class. She is loving art so much she has chosen to attend open studio over outside recess ever since the option presented. 
She has gone through a phase of drawing monsters. I found these in the basement and kitchen.
She went through a phase of drawing flowers a couple of months ago too. I want to frame some of these.
One of the first times I could tell Zane was developing an interest in drawing and creating more was late last winter or early spring when he ran this picture to me. He was proud he could trace his hands all by himself. And he painted the fingernails! :-)
"He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart . . . " ~ Ecclesiastes 3:11

"For the gifts and calling of God are irrevocable." ~ Romans 11:29

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

November 11

Jim Betz (WWII Era)
Bill Holton (WWII Era)
Tom Mollohan (Vietnam Era)

All wars didn't end on November 11, 1918 as hoped. President Wilson shared in 1919 that November 11 would be Armistice Day (Armistice: an agreement made by opposing sides in a war to stop fighting for a certain time; a truce. ~ defined by Google): 

"To us in America, the reflections of Armistice Day will be filled with solemn pride in heroism of those who died in the country's service and with gratitude for the victory, both because of the thing from which it has freed us and because of the opportunity it has given America to show her sympathy with peace and justice in the councils of the nations . . . "

In May of 1938, November 11 was made a national holiday as Armistice Day. In 1954, it became a day to honor American veterans of all wars.

There are many more in the family, from greater grandfathers to uncles and cousins, to honor and share our appreciation for but I couldn't in any way round up all the photos of the extensive list. :-) Either way, their impacts were and are huge.We are eternally grateful.
Vanessa made the picture above today for her teacher Mrs. Ming to give to her husband as a thank you for serving our country.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Fall Cleanup

 With a week of warmer temps, pumpkins collapsed within a couple days and Daddy squeezed in getting the leaves to the street. Thankful for the warmer temps to prepare for colder days!

Vanessa didn't like me taking a picture of the pumpkins above. I reminded her that we knew it was temporary and how fast the mold grew was intriguing. She had heard a couple friends describe how theirs did the same thing a few days before. I think she felt our pumpkins might hold up longer, so it was a hard reality to accept. :-)
 Zane knows I love bright red leaves. While I was inside cleaning out junk, he was loading the mailbox with all the red leaves he could find. When I came out he ran some to me. Big kisses!

Zane told me recently that I don't need to hug him and kiss him every time he does something well. I told him I can't help it but if he really hopes I will stop, I will. He changed his mind pretty quickly "Okay, you can show me."
Where's Vanessa?!

Friday, November 6, 2015

Three's a Crowd or Too Close for Comfort?

Either way, it's obvious we can squeeze in more.  And I hear three's a party! :-) For my children, your mother is referencing 80's sitcoms while poking fun at the closeness you two crave.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015


These kids . . . :-)

Monday, November 2, 2015

All Hallows' Eve

The costume ball at the library was bittersweet. By this time Zane had switched back to wanting to be a Power Ranger. He played all the games and made all the crafts. His only disappointment was that they didn't hand out more candy. As we were leaving he complained about it a tad. I changed the topic to how it was his last costume ball there. In a sad tone he was like "Really? That was my last one at the library?"
To balance Vanessa's fun Halloween activities at school, I promised Zane a trip to the zoo. We went on a day it was basically empty. It was very enjoyable to move at our pace and to hear him explore and question so many things.
The apes were intrigued by Zane. I think his sitting quietly on the ledge in his black hoodie made them feel very comfortable, so they kept coming up to him.
While waiting on the four or five riders to wrap up their ride so we could get on, Zane chose a specific horse he wanted. When it was our turn he ran straight for it. He climbed up and as we waited for the guy to start us on the empty ride, I noticed that Zane's horse had been restored by a Mr. Betts. Cool.