Monday, October 31, 2016

Fall Mash

Early morning pic with painted pumpkins for school contest.
Went to the annual Monster Mash but ended up disappointed when someone set off pepper spray and cut the event short. Thankful everyone is okay though! And PTO still did an amazing job going all out for the kids!
And no, Dad, painting pumpkins was not enough. But that's okay -- the kids got this. 
At least I think they got this. :-/ I'll just go play with Hendrix . . .
Great job!

Friday, October 28, 2016


Don't get me wrong, I appreciate indoor plumbing, but there were a few perks to outhouses way back when. :-) Hendrix started wandering into the bathrooms about a month or so ago. Originally he would just dump things in the bathtub. Downstairs he would just pull on handles and mess with the air vent. In the last couple weeks he's decided to go a little farther -- playing with toilet paper, reaching for toilet seat, grabbing the plunger . . . all the yucky things in the bathroom, making me sort of wish we had an outhouse. ;-)

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Z's Fall Summary

Zane . . . oh my goodness . . . he's having a wonderful year. He's even walked with his sister alone to school. He's a bit of a worrier but shows incredible strength. The little girls are fighting over him at school. He tumbles and chases with the boys at school. He's writing and reading and doing exceptionally well in math. He's enthusiastic.

He's written Mrs. Stolly notes to tell her that he loves her. Mrs. Stolly says he is amazing in class. He's sure to include others and help those who are struggling. He gives up seats and materials so others will have. He knows appropriate times to talk and is an active participant in classroom activities. So far he's gotten all green faces in class. Surely watching others pull their behavior cards has been enough to encourage him to stay on task and be cooperative.

The principal, volunteers, and other teachers know they can joke and play around with Zane. He loves it there and is also flourishing, eager to participate in all activities and still compete with his older sister and her buddies. He has a 5th grade buddy/mentor named Mikey. They work well together.
Although he has a hard time connecting what he did and what exactly Mr. Ensign is doing with the stuff, on  Zane's birthday he donated a bookbag and a bunch of toiletries to the homeless outreach Mr. Ensign facilitates. We're anxious for Mr. Ensign to share how he used the stuff.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

V's Fall Summary

We had P-T conferences over the last couple weeks. It's funny how as parents we imagine our kids at school as they are with us. I'm always left speechless when the conferences come to an end, though. Mrs. Berg, V's language arts teacher, shared the above picture with me. Mrs. Berg has a mentally disabled older sister who lives a facility in CA. When Mrs. Berg shared with her students at the beginning of the year, Vanessa and some of her friends approached Mrs. Berg after class to ask if they could write her sister letters. I remember Vanessa sharing a letter with me and I was touched by her kindness, but I didn't realize it was unsolicited and continues until Mrs. Berg shared with me.

Vanessa is having a wonderful year. All 4 content teachers get her spunky and inquisitive personality. Her classmates do too. After a recent high-energy after-school playdate, and I was obviously feeling a little tired, Vanessa's friend Charlotte leaned over to me and said "It's because Vanessa is almost always happy. Not everyone is as happy as her." Wow . . . Charlotte was right. I was thankful for the reminder -- it helped to put me in check for snuffing her light. But even though, another grumpy classmate has been giving her a hard time for being so bubbly all the time. It's opened up a lot of discussions about being herself and not changing for anyone.

Last weekend Vanessa shared a saying she came up with "Life can be like sour apples -- sometimes it's bitter." Feel free to quote her. :-)

I also learned at her conferences that apparently Vanessa wrote an opinion piece on being homeschooled. It had her teachers concerned and fearing I was pulling her out. At first I didn't get their concern, since Vanessa wonders and talks about it often, but then I started to piece it all together and reassured them it was not a part of a plan, at least right now, although never out of the question depending on her needs in the future. Her teachers sighed with relief and shared that they can't afford to lose such a vital piece to their classrooms.

Although sometimes she rushes too fast because she's certain she already knows, Vanessa is eager and excited about all of these experiences. It's fun and I hope that, unlike me, she will continue to flourish in her schooling years.

It is also worth noting here that Vanessa was chosen last month to represent her school in training and act as a mentor regarding the R-Factor. Her teachers, past and present,  principal, counselor, and classmates nominated her. I've heard her put it into action and demonstrate for others.

I've also been impressed by all of her initiative in Girl Scouts. She spent last Saturday going door to door for 2 hours collecting food for the food pantry. She and her troop took the food to the Hilliard Food Pantry where they spent another couple of hours organizing and stocking shelves. So thankful for all these opportunities!

Friday, October 21, 2016


At least we got a a written apology without asking for one. Most definitely forgiven. 

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Wiped Out

When Kindergarten is exhausting . . .

Monday, October 17, 2016

At the Door

We're learning to secure doorways if left open. And stairs. These days, he's extra adventurous and spends a lot of time exploring.
He enjoys going to the different doors. Here's a pic from a month ago too:

Friday, October 14, 2016


Although I'll take full helpings every season, Fall is colorfully his.
He's confident.
But he always comes back.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Picture by Zane

Zane took this picture at the zoo a couple of weeks ago. He took many but by far this is my favorite.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

No Horsing Around

This kid is cute.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Climbing My Legs

That precious face . . .(always climbing my legs)

Friday, October 7, 2016

A New Toy

Hendrix seemed to realize we were shopping for it. He yelled at me the entire time I put it together.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016


Another draft I've had lingering for a few weeks. (He can't fit into that onesie any longer.)  I'm often thinking about how brutal Hendrix can be.  He's strong. He whacks. He pinches. He grabs. He is.

Monday, October 3, 2016


Maybe one of my favorite photos ever . . .