Friday, January 29, 2016

Daddy-Son Time

When Vanessa is doing her own thing, they find their special time . . .

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Pancakes & Eggs

 Getting breakfast done . . . with bacon too, of course . . .

Monday, January 25, 2016


Hendrix's crib will be in our room at first. I wasn't intending to do anything too great but found this awesome fabric at JoAnn's. It looks Hendrixxy doesn't it? And the color is perfect for our room.

Yes, that's my redneck version of a sewing table. :-) Very convenient, really.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

First Snow(s)

Between Thanksgiving and Christmas Vanessa and Zane started talking about their hope for snow. They didn't think it would ever happen. Vanessa has taken to spells of making snowflakes to fill the wait. The ones above are from the end of November. She and her girlfriends will spend chunks of time after school leaving a mess of paper cuts and fragments -- at least they are entertained and I can't deny them the opportunities when they get amazing results, better results than I ever achieved. Zane makes good attempts too but loses interest fast.
After the initial snow melted and the sun was shining bright, Zane asked me if winter was over since the sun was shining again. It's been a confusing season.
Anymore, for each winter, one good and fun snow is all I really need. But then again, the incomparable joy each and every snow seems to bring to my children is always a new, fresh and first experience for me.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Massage Envy

I admit that I was a little envious. Zane is getting really good with massages. He will sometimes give a seated massage out of the blue. He's smart about it though -- I rub your back and you rub my back is his philosophy. And really I enjoyed watching these three take turns.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Exhibiting Hendrix

While at COSI recently, Zane spotted Jimi Hendrix in an exhibit hanging in the hallway. He wanted to take pictures but I made him get in one too (hence the discontent expression he's exhibiting in the picture above), before snapping a few of my Hendrix belly beside the work.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

The First 40

"The first 40 years of childhood are always the hardest." ~ Unknown

Really? 40? How did we get here? He makes 40 look good. We are so excited to celebrate Daddy and give thanks for him!

Friday, January 8, 2016

Belly Button Window

Although our newest little guy is quite the opposite from what the Belly Button Window lyrics imply, here are glimpses into my belly button window: Neal Hendrix Betz at about 11 weeks, 20 weeks and 32 weeks. He's already breaking barriers within my womb. He's head down. The fluids around him are ample. And he's already an estimated 3 pounds and 12 ounces.

Daddy has wanted to use the letter x in one of our child's names. When we received news of a boy, and after Zane celebrated that he and his new little brother would defeat their older sister together, we asked Vanessa what name she thought the baby should have. She suggested Hendrix, knowing Daddy's compassionate heart toward Jimi Hendrix and love for his giftedness as a guitarist and lyricist. It seemed perfect to me at that very moment. It's outside of the box, for which we love, and Daddy gets to use the letter x. Also, how many people will stereotype the naming of our son after a broken amazing musician? It's a great way to figure out who will make quick judgments. :-)

The next step in naming Hendrix was figuring what went well with it and to continue to honor family in the mix. Neal Hendrix seems exactly right. Neal is his great grandfather's middle name: James Neal Betz. I believe Neal was given to him in a very similar way as it has been given to Hendrix. The Irish meaning for Neal is champion. We didn't know that until after picking it but oddly it has brought things full circle for Daddy and me. (Jimi Dog was named after Hendrix, by Daddy, after I suggested naming him Champion, since he was the only survivor of his litter. Jimi Dog was our first dog child in our first home together.)

His existence is magical . . . hard to explain. And no one should believe us in a worldly way. He's not only a rainbow bridge representing our life transformations, but Neal Hendrix is our voodoo child. No evil or dark in any way -- he'll continue to break barriers as part of God's plan. Maybe, just maybe, he's our electric baby.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Got Air

Daddy has it.

And although a little wild there, it is our opinion that this place is better than Skyzone.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Hello 2016!

Daddy watched the moose ornament drop lower and lower, day by day. A sure sign the tree was basically done was when the moose was centimeters from the floor. It's always hard to accept the time to take down the tree. It brings a sense of finality to the fun and happy things we enjoyed. But the positive perspective is that we were able to bring order back to the house before starting our structured routines again and venturing into the new unknowns. So much to look forward to in 2016, so much to wonder about, and so much to trust God with. I hope and pray we're faithful in all we face and do.
"Be strong and courageous; don't be terrified or afraid of them. For it is the Lord your God who goes with you; He will not leave you or forsake you." ~ Deuteronomy 31:6