Tuesday, May 29, 2012

On Our Toes

When asked how we keep up with Zane, I usually answer something like "By using a lot of doors, locks, and gates, and by removing things." Luckily he's not strong enough to open the fridge door since he would likely dump all of its contents on the floor. And although he can open some child safety locks, we add more locks and put them way up high. He keeps us on our toes with creative thinking! How can I turn this lock so he can't open it? How can I rearrange the furniture so he doesn't keep climbing on it? How can I make things safe for when he falls? What is something he will eat that isn't so messy?

The food on the floor picture is a little old. He doesn't do so much of that anymore, thankfully. :) But he still climbs on the high chair. We're about ready to put the highchair away for now.