Real credit goes to Daddy, though, for getting us to there from here, and getting us to here from there.
The place we stayed there had a patio. Like our kitchen and living room are most often used here, because the weather doesn't always permit, the patio there was used for eating bites of food, drinking coffee, playing on the iPad, climbing, reading mags and books, and checking out random life, like the egret, alligators, lizards, and heron.
The first day there we brought in a table for Zane to use. But like here, at home, he used it to gain access to things. Encouragement to use the table dwindled, just like here.
Also like here, Vanessa and Zane made piles of blankets and pillows to leap and bounce on.
And just like here, Daddy woke each morning to the kids pouncing him and shrilling in his ears.
Although not our home, our vacation house helped us to capture memories -- memories we carried from there to here.