Monday, May 7, 2012

A Giving Heart

Behind her typical 4-year-old self, Vanessa is quite considerate and giving. She's full of questions for how and why things are. About a year ago we met a family struggling financially. The family was at the park while the dad worked on a temporary team that was building a new road and bridge nearby. The mom and her son and daughter wore extra worn clothing. With a nod and glance, the mother instructed her 13-year-old son to watch his little sister while mom nestled down on the ground between bushes and under the shade of a tree. Soon after, the son sparked up a conversation with me. His little sister was following Vanessa, so he was telling us more about her and their time in the park while their dad worked on the road. At the beginning of the week, they traveled several hours and camped out nearby while dad worked, and then they returned back home at the end of the week. I commented on the cool hat he was wearing with "Got Jesus?" and he was proud to tell me that his small country church gave it to him. Despite his country slang, the boy was extremely smart and aware of how his typical surroundings are quite different from the city and suburban areas they were in. He made it a point to explain things through comparisons and contrasts. He was a very happy boy. Even though their needs were quite familiar to me and the experiences I had as a child, we left the situation reminded of the things that matter.

For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. ~Matthew 6:21

That afternoon Vanessa and I spent time cleaning out and sorting her clothes. We liked to pass things down and share but this time Vanessa asked to share some of her things with the little girl we met at the park. The little girl seemed quite happily independent of material items, but Vanessa thought sharing a stuffed animal so the little girl would have something to snuggle with while on the road was very important too. We took the Disney Princess bag of items back to the little girl. We thought it might be enough for the following fall and winter. The little girl had the sweetest and most grateful expression on her face. It was the only time we heard the little girl talk: "Thank you."

Recently Vanessa asked if we could take the little girl more things. I was pleased she remembered and she had a special thought of her. I explained to Vanessa that the little girl was no longer there and unfortunately I did not get an address for them. Vanessa liked praying for the little girl, though, and we are sure the little girl will continue to be taken care of. We added a special request to our prayer -- that we might have open hearts and meet another little girl or boy who needs special friends with giving hearts.