Friday, September 28, 2012

Still Pickin'

Vanessa very much looks forward to apple picking. She was ecstatic this morning when she found out we were making another attempt to go. We've made several attempts to go this season, but various things have sabotaged our plans. We've gone to Lynd's for the last 5 years. Mommy has gone for the last 7 years. We've been looking for something a little closer and are anxiously awaiting the trees at an orchard not far from home to mature enough for picking, but in the meantime, we explored Cherry Hawk Farm in Marysville. Realizing we're well beyond the time we usually pick, we were determined to get there today. We loved it there -- it was so peaceful and it does not feel commercialized. Perfect.

We picked Mutsu, Golden Delicious, and Enterprise for various purposes. Thanks to Aunt Sally, a few weeks ago we scored some of our favorite, Honeycrisp. We were extremely grateful to be able to satisfy our craving. Honeycrisp in general were just plain weird this year. We're looking forward to next year being better . . . we hope.

Mutsu apples remind me of the only other times I would eat apples off of a tree. While living in Huntington, my best friend and I would walk by a house on our way to football games that had a tree full of them. The owner didn't mind that we would pick them and eat them. I'm sure sometimes it was dinner.
Zane was really cooperative and excited as well. Other than having to convince him that most apples already on the ground were yucky, he finally got the idea that the better ones were still on the tree. And he had several lessons in gently placing the apples in the basket -- practice makes perfect, I guess. Vanessa had a hard time stopping. We might consider a part-time job in an orchard when she's ready and if her love for being there continues. :)
Finding some really neat mushrooms made the kids want to go mushroom hunting. Maybe one day we can tag along with cousins and friends who know how and what we'd be hunting for, although I'd be extremely surprised if the kids would really eat them. :)
Some Previous Pickings: