Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Apple Picking
A friend, Laura, introduced us to Lynd’s Fruit Farm a few years ago. She also introduced us to the amazing Honeycrisp apple. Adam’s always liked apples,
but Vicky was never a huge fan of just biting into one . . . until she bit into a Honeycrisp . . .
and then a Suncrisp . . . although Suncrisp would rate second in her book. :)
Anyway, since being introduced, Vicky tries to make it a point to visit the orchard during u-pick season. It’s a wonderful and very enjoyable activity that sets the mood for fall and gives us something to look forward to before raking leaves and thinking about colder days and nights. Vanessa went to the orchard last year but was only a few months old, and the crop was very poor due to a late spring freeze. This year the crop was gorgeous and is very tasty, and Vanessa was able to thoroughly enjoy the trip, although she wanted “up” in the car on our way there since her grandmother was obviously in the back seat to play with her. :) Vanessa fussed a little when we insisted she stay in her carseat for the ride --Grandma did a great job entertaining her. And I’m so thankful we were able to make the trip when we did since the windstorm was moving in as we returned from picking, and because we heard that Lynd’s modified the u-pick schedule so there was only one more day to pick Honeycrisp, which happened to be that following Friday. We’re not sure if they were able to follow thru with the updated plan since it’s likely the windstorm blew most of the remaining apples off the trees.