Friday, September 9, 2011

Pick Your Own

"Here Zane. Try it."
"Okay. Now give it back gently." Zane grunted loudly and yelled when Vanessa took back the apple. She looked to me to know how aggressive she could be in getting it back. :) Thank you for sharing, Vanessa.
Another year of family and friends coming and going. Cousin Tucker and his mama picked from an orchard across the road from ours. Perfect timing! We met at the Lynd's barn after we filled our bags. Tucker was ready to show us all the cool gourds he discovered. The kids examined them in a big red chair . . . to humor me with pictures. :)
Zane: What about me? How do I get up there?
As we were leaving, so we thought, we discovered pulled pork BBQ at a stand in the parking lot. Tuck and Vanessa enjoyed hot dogs. :)

Lynd's keeps getting better with Honeycrisp. The crowd was huge again, but the patterns of swarms of people were much different than last year. Makes me think we're all thinking the same!

Vanessa remembered her picking technique and picked almost an entire bag all on her own. They were all perfectly picked.