We were determined to pick Honeycrisp today, even if it meant scrambling from one appointment to the next. Friends are coming and going to Lynd's Farm all day today. We've all been sent in different directions to pick. People were arriving in swarms. We hit the early lunchtime crowd but as we were leaving, no one was waiting in line to pull into the orchard. I believe there are three Honeycrisp sections. We picked in what I think is the newest section, one we've never picked in before. The trees were young and short but they all had beautiful fruit, and Vanessa was able to reach most apples all on her own. She practiced her apple picking skills -- explaining you look for apples with no bruising or bad spots and then you twist, twist, twist and pull gently, to avoid damaging the tree and apple. She became a master at it. I didn't think to take video until the end of her picking.
When we talked about the possibility of Zane joining us next year, Vanessa exclaimed that he'll need to ride in his own wagon. ;-)