Hendrix is so very funny with his broad and accurate references. The only problem is that sometimes I don't know what context I'm supposed to be thinking about when he makes some of his references. Other times, I totally get it right away and I'm blown away by the very deep connections. Here are a few that I have been noting and emailing myself over the last couple of months. :-)
When asked to do something he's not on board with, he often replies"Not today...maybe tomorrow..."
Instead of calling sand castles just that, he refers to them as "beach castles".
When we go to the mall or another facility with escalators, he calls them the "moving up stairs" and "moving down stairs."
In the last month or so it took me a while to figure out that Hendrix prefers some slang and uses it well, like "Okay, Bruh...?" when he is talking with Zane and his friends.
Anything shiny is a "diamond". He asks to use our metal straws with "Can I please have a diamond straw?"
When I asked him how he deepens his voice he explained "My voice is in my mouth." He points to back of throat and says "My chin holds it in..."
One day as we were drawing lots of pictures, he kept asking me "Make a sad O...?" A what?!?! "A sad O. . ." What I finally figured out was that he was asking me to make a sad face. "Yeah! That's it! That's the right way! Good job, Mom."
If he doesn't like a song or words I'm saying, he pushes an imaginary button and says "Pause." And sometimes he'll unpause me. "Okay, unpause"