Friday, May 17, 2019

Soccer Highlights

Much like the season, these pictures are all out of order. The season flew by. Both Zane and Vanessa played "like your hair is on fire" least most of the time. :-) Both prefer to stay away from goalie but both ended up in the spot a few times. 

When Zane was bored he danced and performed. :-) And Hendrix spent a lot of time practicing his soccer skills, for free! At least when he was taking off his clothes. He cheered on his brother and sister, even when they were on break. The Dragons pulled off a good season with a great coach, Miss Carrissa. 

And the Bullets held in there pretty well too, learning to tolerate each other more as the season went on. Interesting dynamics, for sure. Vanessa was an excellent punter. She was aggressive when most would be too intimidated. Having two Vanessas on the team together was interesting but worked well.

And let's not forget -- having Grandma and Grandpa there was extra fun. And we're more than grateful for their extra support at times when days were way too full.