He is so colorful! There are many things he says consistently and with clarity, that just make him so unique. Sometimes I'm searching for context to understand all the gibberish explanations he spews. I know I can't capture it all but I want to highlight some of my favorite things at this age, to stow in my box of memories.
He often says "Sorry . . ." with an I-didn't-mean-to or gee tone. And will insist "I can't." when he's either too tired or just plain refusing. He announces "What the heck?!" when things don't go as anticipated.
Below are some other colorful gems.
"Are you kidding me?!"
"That's enough."
"Mom go up the ladder and see what's in the fridge. Tell me. Get lunch . . .? Samich?"
Me: "Hendrix, are you all done?"
Hendrix: "No. I'm finished."
Burgers are "bicnics" ever since last summer when we would eat burgers on picnics. :-)
While outside playing, "Mom, go in the kitchen. Bring lunch to table . . . . Pleeeaaasssse."
Me: "What? You would like to eat out here?"
Hendrix [while patting outside iron table]: "No. eat at dis table."
High winds stop him in his place. He looks up, gets quiet and shhhhes me, and then watches and studies the trees, as if they are coming alive. Several months ago it seemed to frighten him a tad.
"Let's go inside before blow away. Mommy, come on. Hurry . . ."
Hendrix also makes up games and I love to stop what I'm doing to watch. Here he had some sort of game going where it sounded and looked like a mix between basketball and bowling. Once he had it set up he called me over and gave a long and detailed explanation, starting with "Mom. Come watch. See."