Saturday, July 16, 2011

The Blues

According to Hoda and Kathie Lee, Canada was the place to be this last week. Yes, I was granted the rare opportunity to watch the 4th hour of the Today Show this last week. It happened to be one where Hoda and Kathie Lee were wrapping up their visit to Canada. (And that reminds me -- I meant to ask Adam/Daddy to bring us back Beaver Tails -- a yummy-looking dessert highlighted on the show. Maybe next year . . . instead, we settled for Sugardaddy's brownies. :) Anyway, although Hoda and Kathie Lee made Canada sound like extra fun, we were left feeling blue waiting for Daddy to return. Grandma afforded us special time together, and for that, we're extra thankful. 

When Vanessa doesn't like something or she's extra sad, to cope with the blues she'll pretend she doesn't care or she'll refuse to talk about it. I remind her that we all feel blue at times . . . and we painted our nails to reflect that . . .
Along with Hoda and Kathie Lee this week, our AAA magazine boasted about the beauty and awesomeness of Canada. TIME actually gave us reason to discourage Daddy from going, unless more farming of fish is established. But even so, we're thankful Daddy gets this extra special time with his brother and dad. I know he misses us . . .
The day after Daddy left, Vanessa packed her bag and threw on a hat and then stated that in a dream Mommy would drive her to where Daddy is at in Canada and she would go fishing and sleeping in the forest with him. In a dream . . .
And because a week or so ago Zane stood on his own for a short while, Daddy feared Zane would begin to walk while he was away. I assured Daddy that Zane wouldn't move that fast. However, yesterday Zane took 1 to 2 steps all on his own. :) But forget walking -- Zane has missed Daddy so much that he put on a cape and swore he would fly to where Daddy is at.
We've missed you so much Daddy . . . but so happy you'll be home any minute!