Friday, July 29, 2011

Accommodating Cousins

All of Vanessa's cousins and many friends have been so very awesome to always share with her.  She's very blessed. With Hannah leading Vanessa in age and size, she shares so many cool and fun things. We talk about her on an almost daily basis due to the number of things we've acquired of hers. Vanessa often asks "Mommy, who gave this to me? My cousin Hannah? [higher pitched voice] Oh . . . that was too sweet . . . "

Vanessa wanted to show her appreciation by giving Hannah a dress made by her friend Erin. It's perfect for Hannah! But aside from all of that, Hannah shares tons of love. She's oozing affection. :)
Ben, Zach, Andrew and Hannah are all so wonderful to wait patiently while Vanessa shares her energy and stories. And Zane is good to share their attention with her. :) 

"A cousin is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost." ~Unknown