Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Ode to Potty

Most would say I've been ready for you for a while now,
But Mommy waits since she knows I like to control how.

Mommy now has everything I need to make it easy as pie,
So why haven't I started . . . why, why, why?!

I think it's really cool when big people use a big potty,
So I can hardly wait till we have my potty trained party.

I'm sure you'll be there -- why wouldn't you be?
Don't worry -- when I'm grown you can still be a friend to me.

There are other uses for you that are cool.
I saw on the box how you can be used as a stool.

Hmm . . . was the lid up or down?
I don't know but right now I'm potty-trained bound!

Vanessa does have all the self-help skills and language and understanding to be potty trained. So why haven't we started? Oh . . . I can come up with a number of excuses . . . some selfish . . . I know it would save us money but so far that hasn't outweighed my emotional attachment to Vanessa relying on me . . . although how much am I really doing for her when she brings me the changing mat and sets up everything for a diaper change . . . ? We'll get there! I promise! But why rush?! :)