Saturday, December 1, 2007

Neglected Vanessa

This week Vanessa and her mommy went to three different malls and several department stores looking for hot pink tights. We finally scored a pair yesterday! Although the tights will complete an outfit for Vanessa to wear for the next two months, she didn't quite understand why they were so important to Mommy. So, being the independent little girl that Vanessa is, and because her mommy's attention was more on looking and trying to brainstorm alternatives, she learned to hold her bottle for short periods of time. Poor girl . . . (The truth: Vanessa would do this as her mommy tried to hold the bottle for her. Of course each time Mommy had to let go to see how long she would hold it! She wouldn't do it for very long, but she did do it! And yes, I'm sure the burp rag and blanket helped to balance it -- don't burst my bubble!)