Vanessa also received a highchair from Santa (her great aunts) and sat in it for the first time last evening. What a big girl!!! Vanessa's been showing signs that she's ready to eat, so we started with rice cereal before bedtime last night. For a baby's first feeding you're supposed to dilute it a whole lot -- 1 part cereal to 4 or 5 parts infant milk -- so it was like spooning milk into her mouth. Even so, it was as if Vanessa knew what her highchair was for -- she started smacking her lips as soon as we put her in it. She did an awesome job swallowing the first few spoonfuls. She even wanted to try using the spoon herself. Toward the end of the feeding she started spitting it out, so we took that as a sign she was finished, especially since she seemed to be swallowing most of it at the beginning. We may try a thicker consistency tonight. If so, I imagine she'll get messier . . .