Friday, December 7, 2007

Four Months

Vanessa just turned 4 months yesterday. We can't believe it! She's changing way too fast, but it's very enjoyable to watch. She's well aware of her surroundings now. She's laid back and likes to observe things. When she's comfortable, she talks a lot. She likes to smile and laugh when you tickle her. She likes to play Where's Vanessa? She holds objects and shakes rattles. She rolls over, and loves to do it when you're not looking to get a reaction out of you when you do look. (See picture for example.) She tries to sing along with her mommy in her sweetest, softest, high-pitched voice. She chews on a lot of different things. She'll follow your every move with her eyes. She's been sleeping through the night for several weeks now. She even smiles when taken to her crib. Now we're trying to regulate napping -- on average she'll nap for twenty minutes or so, four times a day. Mommy thinks Vanessa would be happier if she would take two longer naps instead. She'll figure it out, though. She did an awesome job figuring out her current sleeping schedule! Her new interests are studying how people use the TV remote and phones. Vanessa's realizing that even though a person is looking at her while on the phone, he or she is not necessarily talking to her. "And how does Daddy's voice come through that thingamajig? I don't see him!" These are just a few of the wonderful things she does. As many of you know, I could go on and on. :)