Friday, March 22, 2019

Daddy Bedtime

One thing extra pronounced personalities thrive in is routines, especially Hendrix. His daddy plays a huge part in Hendrix's bedtime routine, and to be honest, I consider it precious to stand by and witness. 

One routine I wish I could catch inconspicuously is when Hendrix picks out his t-shirt (usually red or football) and PJ bottoms with his daddy's help. Daddy positions the shirt open and ready to spring over Hendrix's arms and head. Hendrix runs about 12 feet away and exclaims "Mommy, watch!" And then he launches and runs toward Daddy to see if he can nail the moving target, which is Hendrix. "Ready, set, go!" He's so fast that Daddy usually misses about 3 times before explaining that we have to get it on the last attempt. 

Then Mommy sometimes holds up the PJ bottoms, lined up so when Hendrix launches into the air about 5 or so feet, with his daddy's help, he can land his feet and legs in the holes of the bottoms. 

And for a long while, not as frequently anymore, Hendrix stands on the bed and bumps his Daddy with all kinds of affection. The goodnight kisses and love can be so powerful that it bumps Hendrix backward, landing on the mattress to then get back up and do a few times more, before "Last time" and final kisses and hugs.