The name Hendrix is a variation of Henry, but of course Vanessa was thinking of Jimi Hendrix when she asked that we name her little brother that. Many people only think about the skewed image of Jimi Hendrix portrayed in the media of his time and by the ultraconservative reactive impressions of his rebellious and what was truly a short-lived party life.
When I think of Jimi Hendrix, I think of the tragic consequences of some misguided life choices, a life that was incredibly gifted and talented, who knew and felt God, but was caught up in the drowning out of his pain and hurt. His life was just beginning but without the tough love and support, it was inevitable it would end so early. Even so, though, I believe God still had a purpose for Jimi Hendrix's life, not only to spearhead music trends, but to allow those who followed to realize there are consequences to all of our choices and extra hard ones when we push out God with fame and desires of this world.
As a child and in his innocence, Jimmy loved to draw and paint and listen to music. Eventually he tied together his passions to create imagery with music -- the guitar became his medium for recreating such visual art in his head. He was colorful and incredibly innovative but sadly we never got to fully experience what he could have done with such amazing talent.
Our Hendrix is as colorful and a rainbow in so many ways. God started dropping hints of him about a year before he blessed us with his presence, using rainbows. Hendrix's personality is so very colorful and vivid, just like a rainbow. The following are suggested characteristics of Hendrix, found online and in various other places that describe meaning behind the name. I would say they are spot-on, and the picture above just kind of supports that, don't you think?
* Independent
* Individualistic
* Ambitious
* Strong-willed
* Inventive
* Successful