Recently Zane started obsessing over skateboards. He wished for one for his b-day and G&G granted that wish. Daddy spent one evening teaching him and Zane caught on quick. Now each day he needs to find some time to practice or perform for us. He and Vanessa have raced outdoors every morning before school to get in some practice. Wednesday evening he waited for Dad to get home to watch Dad go at it again. Zane is really good. And even when he tumbles, skids and rolls to a stop, he handles it like any really tough cookie -- steps away for a second and then gets right back at it. He already had active, outdoorsy looking legs. What's a few more scratches and bruises?!
Last night, after some time practicing after school work, Zane came in and said "Mom, I killed an ant with my skateboard. I rolled right over him. He was super big. Do ants have juices?" I replied, "Yes, they are full of guts with food, water and blood." Zane went on, "Well I saw all of his guts and blood come out when I smashed him . . . only animals and bugs have juices?" I went on, "Well plants are living things so they have water and juices in them too, but not blood." With amazement Zane restated "But bugs and animals and birds and snakes and fish have blood!"