Monday, April 21, 2014

April 20, 2014

This date was full of so much. It's been 10 years since my dad passed. It's fitting to have the pillow Grandma made for us in a La-Z-Boy recliner on this day, pocket stuffed with Juicy Fruit (his favorite gum for helping fight off a desire to smoke). I smile when I think about the number of times he stepped out of his comfort zone to make another person happy, like fitting and wearing a tux for his baby girl's wedding. He's another soul that found joy in making and seeing others happy. In his last years, he was extra happy with just hotcakes and coffee at Bob Evans -- it was easy to find and bring him joy.
We also celebrated Christ's resurrection. Church was overflowing with visitors from the Egg-splosion the day before, which was incredible. We woke early to discover EB left you notes and clues to help you find your Easter baskets. Vanessa left her window cracked the night before to be sure EB could enter the house. Zane wouldn't go downstairs in the morning without reassurance that EB had left and was nowhere to be found. 
Daddy helped design eggs by drizzling rubber cement on them before we dipped them in the color. And since we seemed to be really into baby chicks this year, we crafted little chick nests. Disappointingly and before placing them in their nests, Zane had the wild desire to pull the glued googly eyes back off. He's such a picker. Good thing he doesn't mind undoing and redoing all of his hard work. :-)