Winter Storm Cleon hit and we played in it. Daddy took a day off from work. (Deeply deserved!) Zane was told to stop eating the snow after it became apparent he was obsessed. We finally discovered that the snow from the driveway was packable and great for making a snowperson and his or her igloo home. Vanessa was content. Mommy played Snow Tag in the back yard and Daddy played Snow Monster in the front yard.
On Saturday we took off up and down a hill covered in snow. This was Zane's first big sledding event. He rode with Mommy, Daddy and Vanessa. He's a smart guy -- he suckered Daddy and Mommy to carry him back up. Eventually we compromised by allowing him to walk back up the bales of hay. And then he was pleasantly surprised when Mommy asked him if he wanted to try going down by himself. It obviously hadn't occurred to him that we might let him. He had a blast. Vanessa was her typical daredevil self. We lost count how many times she went down and up. She exhausted herself to the point she was unable to use good listening ears, so we called it quits. We had our fill.