Friday, December 6, 2013


Vanessa had a scheduled late start to school on Wednesday. The kids were pretty goofy by the time to leave for school. I don't remember what we were talking about but both kids were talking at the same time as I was trying to corral them out the front door.

As we exited the kitchen, Zane turned back, pointed his finger at me and said "You're a mamacita! Ha, ha, I called you Mamacita!" As we continued to scramble, I replied, "Did you call me a mamacita?" He nodded and gave a strong "Yes." I have no clue where that came from, but I think I'll take it. :-)

Do you ever know you need to do something but you don't understand why? You're propelled by an inner force that drives a result that doesn't make sense to you or those around you, so when others question your choices or actions it's difficult to verbalize. And then one day it occurs to you what God possibly had in mind? If it involves the kids, I feel like a "little mama" in those moments, when the realization feels so big.