Monday, March 15, 2010

Dream Garden

Ideas for beginning our gardens sprouted last week. On our first warmer day, before ALL the snow melted away, Vanessa had the bright idea to "plant trees." She walked around the yard picking up sticks, and I thought Wow, she likes cleaning up the yard. How lucky am I? I sat nearby but out of the way to watch. Okay . . . and to keep from muddying my shoes and jeans as well. . . :)

She proceeded to place the sticks upright in the snow and explain that she was planting trees.

She planted 6 to 8 "trees" before realizing there must be more to planting than just sticking things in the ground.

Later in the week, when the snow had melted away, the sun was shining bright and the temps were teasingly warm, we cleaned out the gardens and flower beds to get ready for the growing season. I couldn't be happier that she's anxious to tend to a garden -- to work the soil, add nutrients, plant seeds and transplants, and watch the fruit of her labor . . .