Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The Nativity Story

Vanessa learned more about the Nativity this season. As if the story isn't amazing enough, she decided to add her own twist. On Christmas you saw the picture in which Vanessa added Baby Jesus to the scene. Now here's a picture of what happened a little later. Without our noticing, Baby Jesus was moved to the side and then the Cookie Monster ornament taken from the tree was added. This reminded me of the story about Vanessa's cousin Ben adding Tigger to their scene when he was about 3. However, I'm not sure what it means when Cookie Monster was put in place of Baby Jesus rather than standing and celebrating with the Shepherds and Wise Men like Ben's Tigger. The next morning I told Vanessa that Cookie Monster must be visiting for a playdate. :) I can hear the Wise Men singing "C is for cookie . . ."

And Vanessa's choice for Cookie Monster was extra interesting to me since she doesn't seem to like him (which is great in her mommy's book.) I think she likes being able to recognize him though.