It's amazing what little ones can absorb. We often read Bible stories. I've shared the story of Zacchaeus on numerous occasions, and we've sang Zacchaeus Was a Wee Little Man. But it's been a little while since sharing the story or song, so I was extra surprised on Monday when I watched Vanessa build a "tower" and work with two Little People to act out the story. I was reading a book for work when I overheard her saying "Zacchaeus, you come down. Come down, Zacchaeus. We're going to your home." Then she put Zacchaeus down on the floor and walked him away. The little blonde (playing the role of Jesus, I think) followed.
On Tuesday when we checked out our Bible story online, Vanessa proclaimed a picture of Moses to be Santa. Like a sponge, she may be able to absorb a lot, but it's almost impossible to get it ALL the first time. :) (Come on -- she's not a Bounty paper towel!) :)