Here's a fun tractor the kids played on. Daniel drove first, as Vanessa supervised. Then Daniel was gracious enough to allow Vanessa a turn. And Audrey rode piggyback while Daniel drove (but no good pic.)
The Fun Barn is fun! (Though not recommended for those with sensitivities to hay.)
The Scarecrow Maze was the perfect size for little people. The kids could find their way to middle sections that were walled off from the outside perimeter. Daniel is leading the way back to a path to get out. Lucky for us, Vanessa followed! That would've been a tough one to get her out of. :)
We're finally getting ready for the hayride. The tractor pulled three large wagons and we were the only ones on it for the first ride of the morning. When we returned, there were lots of people arriving. I imagine it gets pretty busy.
And it seems Vanessa thinks the best way to choose a pumpkin is to sit on it. This place had a wonderfully real pumpkin patch. (No pumpkins tossed in a field.) The vines and weeds were actually kind of fun to climb through and over. And there were tons of big pumpkins.
After picking pumpkins we headed into the bakery where we got delicious donuts, muffins, cider and hot chocolate.