Sunday, October 18, 2009

Buuurrr . . . at the Zoo

An extra busy and wild weekend! We decided to stick with our original plan for going to Boo at the Zoo this last Friday evening. Buuurrr, was it cold! I realize we're not talking sub-zero temps, but I just ball up and end up aching more in these colder temps, so therefore I whine. So we layered and layered. Vanessa wore thermal underwear, two body suits, tights, a cow jumper (which thanks, Nancy -- isn't it cute?!) and outerwear like a coat, scarf, hat, etc. Vanessa refused to keep on the extra outer layer. She was willing to have freezing hands and ears just so she could run and go crazy. We watched for any coloring of blue, but she seemed to do okay. Needless to say, the indoor exhibits were well worth quick visits.

We got the best photo of her costume at the car. Adam thought it was too much trouble to put black shoes on her. It would've looked great (and did for a second) but he was smart to encourage me to throw on some running shoes instead, especially since she did tons and tons of running and the black shoes were definitely not safe for that. Vanessa wanted to be a cow this year. Fitting since she loves her milk!!!!

This was at the beginning of the bundling process. She kept her hands covered and was shielded by her stroller canopy until Daniel, Audrey, Lindsay and Paul arrived, at which point she threw everything off and went running like a mad woman.

She and Daniel enjoyed the toddler hay maze.

She touched a starfish for the first time.

The manatees were lively and they were neat to see in the quiet dark.

It was hard to get the kids to pose. They had to keep moving. :) Vanessa and Monkey Daniel drove the boat. Daniel loves boats and I'm sure one day he'll captain one. His daddy has already made him first mate of their boat. Audrey was an adorable dalmation. Baby Megan was a penguin and bundled to a T, so no pics at all.

And thanks to the dads for herding them out!
Summary on Circle S tomorrow!