Friday, June 12, 2009

Make Believe and Other Random Notes

Vanessa really loves to play make-believe in many ways. There's a slight theme with this post -- Vanessa playing make-believe with food and drink.

Since we recently downloaded footage from our camera, I have more to share! And for those always asking for us to post video -- this influx is for you! But don't get used to it. ;-) I think this video might be one of Vanessa's turning points for her dislike of one using the camera to take pictures or shoot video of her. Up till recently anytime we would get one of the cameras out, Vanessa would stop what she was doing and come running over and then end up mad that we wouldn't share the camera with her, making our efforts worthless. In this video she only gets a little bashful when beginning to sing her rendition of I'm a Little Teapot. (She can typically do the arm and spout pretty well, and she also incorporates the squat pretty well, but you won't see that so much in this video since she caught me taping her. She does her best performance when you're "not" watching her, like many little ones, although I know some who love the camera!!)

And on Wednesday Vanessa and her mommy shared some make-believe soup. Here's how it played out . . . (Right after soup I ran into the kitchen to type this, just so I wouldn't forget!)

Vanessa: "Mommy, come sit down? Soup?"

Mommy: "Sure, let's have some soup."

Vanessa: "Okay!"

[Vanessa pours soup in small metal bowls using a small measuring cup as a ladle.]

Vanessa: "Amen. Ready?"

Mommy: "Mmmmm . . ."

Vanessa: "Is it good?"

Mommy: "Yes, very good."

Vanessa: "Yummy . . . all done?"

Mommy: "Yes, thank you. Should we clean up?"

Vanessa: "No, it's okay."

I like her thinking sometimes! She doesn't worry about all the messes all the time, only certain times. I need to be more like that!

Then this morning we had all kinds of things for breakfast, real and pretend. This picture makes me think how recently we've had to start developing rules for the family table. Our compromise for Vanessa sometimes wanting to come to the table naked is that she must at least have a diaper on. We'll work our way back to being fully dressed at the table and then add that rule later.

Now that you're curious, here are a few rules we've come up with so far:

Rule #1: Everyone must have underwear or a diaper on at the table. Rule #2: We don't rest our feet on the table while we're eating. Rule #3: We don't use the table cloth as a blanket.

Also, something I think has helped with Vanessa's "performing" for the camera has been turning the display so she can see herself as you tape her. We've been doing this for a while now, but now she watches rather than gets consumed with her desire for the camera. This video can be a little hard to watch since I can't really see what we're taping and Vanessa's moving all over the place, but it's still fun and cute enough to share.