One of my most favorite things I observed recently was Hendrix acting out a variety of activities. It felt like he was sort of acting like a YouTuber as he narrated every move.
Basically, he got out his blocks, he got out his trucks, and he was pretending to video and describe what was happening. He ended that part with holding up the iPad facing him and saying "Don't forget, if you like my video . . .[gibberish]... till next time, bye!"
Then he ran off to get paper and markers. Changed the photo app to the clock app and placed it beside him. "Ready, set, go . . . 10, 9, 8, 7. . .! OKAY! Good job! You did it! Now let's see if I can beat it . . ." He repeated this for a while. I was tickled. And I was nonexistent as he ventured off into his own view of the conventional world.
And then that night his daddy got to witness a unconventional moment for a 3-year-old. Hendrix showed us his amazing math skills as we were preparing for bed. Hendrix held up his fingers and said "3. Need to 2 more!" Our jaws dropped.
Now, if we ask him to *perform* these skills, he becomes silly and reluctant and sort of a jokester, much like his older siblings. But I know he's building a strong and solid foundation while bypassing the conventional way society says we should do it.