Friday, December 28, 2018


This year preparing for Christmas and anticipating the ability to accomplish something over Christmas break is quite different than it has been the last few years. Hendrix will play a game with me and then sit a while longer, creating patterns and making other connections while I accomplish something else alongside him.

And I don't hear Vanessa and Zane freaking out every time Hendrix enters a room and while they have something organized going on, fearing his destruction or him demanding something -- Hendrix now waits for instructions and guidance and announces whose turn it is. They actually drag Hendrix along to play certain games. It's refreshing and fun to see how well he can cooperate when he wants to, and these days, that he seems to want to cooperate way more than not. (Does a strongwilled kid ever give up complete control?)
(Making and sharing lunch with me while I fill out Christmas cards)
(Pouring and sharing milk and snack with "Corny", his name for V's unicorn)