Friday, December 28, 2018


This year preparing for Christmas and anticipating the ability to accomplish something over Christmas break is quite different than it has been the last few years. Hendrix will play a game with me and then sit a while longer, creating patterns and making other connections while I accomplish something else alongside him.

And I don't hear Vanessa and Zane freaking out every time Hendrix enters a room and while they have something organized going on, fearing his destruction or him demanding something -- Hendrix now waits for instructions and guidance and announces whose turn it is. They actually drag Hendrix along to play certain games. It's refreshing and fun to see how well he can cooperate when he wants to, and these days, that he seems to want to cooperate way more than not. (Does a strongwilled kid ever give up complete control?)
(Making and sharing lunch with me while I fill out Christmas cards)
(Pouring and sharing milk and snack with "Corny", his name for V's unicorn)

Friday, December 21, 2018

Baby, When It's Cold Outside

As painful as it is for Zane to dress appropriately for the weather, there are instances where I still make him bundle up. We tend to allow Vanessa and Zane to make their own clothing choices with exceptions for when they are making dangerous choices or there is an absolute must for an event.

So when the temp is below freezing, Zane knows I won't pick at him for wearing shorts as long as he is wearing Cuddl Duds underneath or really long socks to his knees. (I lean on the fact that in some parts of the world, boys wear shorts as part of their school uniforms year round, even in America, some years ago. And I hear that Seattle boys wear shorts even in the snow.) If the temperature is above freezing, and usually close to 40 plus, I let him wear shorts without picking at the socks over his lower legs. I recently read research that says boys around Zane's age are indeed running hotter than the average person, like when we think they should be cold, they're not, due to testosterone increasing.

I recently found a pair of pants that is actually shorts with leggings attached. I was pumped. Zane was excited. He put them on and then asked "Are the leggings attached?" Once he explored to find out they are attached, he decided he dislikes them. Yes, his mama doesn't feel like she can win! But at least I think I'm winning the battle for keeping him from freezing to death.

Wednesday, December 19, 2018


Already a little dated, I have to note here that my son loved Paw Patrol for a while. All the characters were "Marshall" to him. However, when he said it (and still some) it would sound like a nonpreferred word, so, especially in public, I would frequently repeat back "Marshall" with clear articulation.

😳Now he's using "fork" more frequently in his requests, like "Mom, I, Hendrix fork?"
Me: "Hendrix, would like a FFFORRK...? FFORRRK

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Coming to terms . . .

 Zane is beginning to analyze the specifics of Santa, just a little deeper than ever before. This year he's been worrying about whether or not he's been too naughty. When considering his note to Santa he said "I've been really naughty, Mom. Does Santa really give coal? Does he just dig it out of the fireplace and chimney and put it in your stocking . . .? Or does he have piles of it cause of kids' that don't have fireplaces. . . ?" I suggested he write his note to Santa about his naughtiness.

We got it in the mail just in time! Zane's excited to see when the elves come to get the mailbox, knowing Santa has a ton of helpers who report to him. Zane wants to be an elf when he grows up. "It would be fun to work for Santa!"

Monday, December 10, 2018

Christmas Tree 2018

 What a beautiful day to pick out a tree!
Hendrix wanted his daddy to hang his clothes on the tree.We left for about 15 hours, when Hendrix asked me to take it back off. Happy he came to his senses. :-)
 The boys put the lights on while the gals handled grocery shopping.
 We got back just in time to decorate before bed.

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Toddler Days

Not much gets done these days, except to follow along and behind a toddler most of the time. It's a window of extra crazy, feeling like much hasn't been accomplished, but when I slow down to ponder, I realize that it's the moment, that will be in the past too soon.

Because he's so busy unloading, stacking, lining things up, he eats on the run. I place his food on the coffee table so he'll takes bites in passing. Cause we all know how successful resting and naps are without a full tummy.

Monday, December 3, 2018

Almost Apples to Apples

The picture on the left was taken by Grandma about a year or so ago (???). It's a pic of Hendrix and his cousin Hank and it hangs on our fridge. (See below.) I've continued to stare at it, enjoying the expression Hendrix is showing extra much, cause it seems like he and Hank are enjoying some conversation. But beyond that I've continued to also think how Hendrix seems so extra familiar in this pic, like I've experienced him before. It wasn't until about a week ago and while Hendrix was climbing all over the den desk that it finally occurred to me! He reminds me so much of me in this pic!

I'm on the right, probably in 1978, and while we were living in Cleveland, Ohio. It's obvious a playpen was deemed the best way to contain me. I remember my insatiable curiosity and the trouble it go me into. And that's perhaps how H and I are different -- if I was yelling and protesting to the level and degree Hendrix does when trying to contain him in some fashion, I would never have been placed in the playpen. I'm really amazed that worked for me but also remember being a relatively easy kid to please, like Zane.

It is true that each of our kids reflect certain aspects of Adam or me more than the other, but you have to agree that with expressions and hair in these pics, it seems like comparing H to me is almost apples to apples.