I was torn when the invite first came because I always envision camp as a place more rural and rustic, plus, I wasn't sure how I felt about paying about double for the extra bells and whistles that I don't feel are necessary for a good impactful time. Now I wish I had listened to that hesitation . . . but as always, Vanessa likes to venture to new and different things at least once, so we decided we would try it at least this year. Her excitement was evident in the devotions and prep work for the camp theme.
Leaving for camp went well. I wasn't as consumed with thoughts of worry and wondering as I was last year. It helps that she's quite confident and transparent with me. I prayed for her and dropped her off and would troll . . . oops -- I mean stalk various leaders' Facebook pages to catch glimpses of her having fun. (Most pictures in this post came from their pages. "Trolling" must have been on my mind since that's seems to be the behavior of many on social media and it bothers me.)
But then Tuesday, about midway through the day, a thought occured to me out of the blue -- How would I react if something happened to Vanessa, like an injury . . .? I quickly shut down the thought, because that's what people tell you to do, right -- stop what-iffing?!! (Now I realize God was nudging me to prepare me.)
Well the day went on and was becoming lowkey. Later that evening I had a moment to breathe and enjoyed a Chipotle burrito. Hendrix was tired and falling asleep on my lap when a call from "Phil's cell" came through. Without going into greater detail here, cause we all remember the details pretty well, but it was the dreadful call that something was wrong with Vanessa.
Fast forward to about 2-3 hours later. Vanessa had broken her collarbone. We were thankful that nothing more serious was wrong but still shocked by the x-ray, assuming how things were being communicated that she might only have a hairline fracture. But nope. What I can say is that she was a trooper throughout. She was torn about leaving but understood it was necessary. It also became very clear that there went softball, there went particular pool plans with friends, there went long summer night flipping on the trampoline, etc.
Campmates were thoughtful with well wishes and calls. Friends and family sent heartwarming gifts of treats, books, movies, activities, flower, etc. . . . all of those things, prayers and kind thoughts certainly rebrightened her summer of '18.
(Pic before seeing Orthopedist on Wednesday)