Vanessa loved her time with old friends at NW Bible. It was Operation Artic, studying and exploring how the Bible came into existence and how it holds true. Vanessa, as always, loved making themed posters and dressing up in costume. I missed my opportunity to get a picture of her in costume but I remember her friends being so impressed and giving her huge praise for dressing the part, scoring her team a ton of points. Ken Ham came and talked with the kids too. Even after VBS was over, she went back for a few more summer meetings in June.
Then at the end of July, we submerged ourselves in Bible studies at our Guide Church VBS. The kids had a big time and Zane was so happy he could be back this year, after missing last year's cause he was so very sick. Zane memorized the big and main verse and shared it the first night. His many applications to the Bible stories scored him a bunch of G bucks for the VBS store at the end. He bought a Star Wars Rebel action figure that is about 18 inches tall. He was a leader and helper in his group, a great example to all of his peers and younger.
Vanessa and Gillian enjoyed teaching others dance moves and signs for remembering their verses.
As one of the several crafts, Zane made a periscope out of a tin can to remind him that Jesus sees below our surface and knows our hearts!
Both Zane and Vanessa decided one day to style their hair to follow the VBS theme. We used hairspray and blow dryer to form his hair into a huge wave. :-)
I could not lead Crafts without Adam keeping Hendrix close to him throughout, during Hendrix's most difficult time of day.