I think Vanessa decided she would ask to eat a turkey leg for Thanksgiving dinner so she could blog about it. She wanted a picture for her school blog. She posted one but not this one -- I like this one but the other one showed her more composed and seemingly innocent. Her choice. :-)
Her parent-teacher conferences with both teachers went well. I heard about her leadership, independence, focus, eagerness, enthusiasm and care for others. I heard she's always on task and an incredible delight. I ended up pretty speechless but fumbled a request for an area to improve. Little turkey . . .
Indeed she has an insatiable hunger for learning and for sharing her energy and creativity. Indeed she's a spitfire. She recently shared a story with me about one of the special days she gets to have recess with the older kids, the fifth graders. She said she was chasing some of the fifth graders and one of them said to her, "You're not as tough as you think as a second grader." Vanessa asked, "What did you say?" The fifth grader repeated the comment and Vanessa replied, "Well that's where you're wrong. I'm a lot tougher than you think." She gets her innate confidence from her daddy.