I made my way to the kitchen to do so since it was about snack time. We still have a childproof latch on the cabinet (which I'm thinking can be taken off soon.) More recently I've been able to walk in, open the cabinet, name off the things Zane can choose from and then leave him to make his choice.
So I opened the cabinet and went back into the great room to finish whatever it was I was in the middle of doing.
A few moments later I hear in a surprisingly soft voice "Someone help me. Get me out of here. Someone? Please?" As I returned to the kitchen I figured Zane was trying to get something he shouldn't have. Instead I saw the following.
I stepped back a few feet to grab the camera and heard "Hey! What are you doing?" I snapped a photo and opened the door. He exited with a granola bar already in hand. We didn't have to say anything else -- he knew shutting himself in the pantry cabinet wasn't the best idea. :-)