In job and personal interviews over the years, I've described myself as part optimist and part realist. I do struggle with the competition in the world, finding it unnecessary and just an obstacle to people getting along and finding true joy. The realist in me recognizes the next stage of life as a rat race but the optimist in me tells me that with God she will do just fine with it all and she will develop a genuine understanding of how to make it in the world.
Said best by Lily Tomlin: “The problem with a rat race is that even if you win, you are still a rat.”
I never want Vanessa to feel she is competing. I never want her to feel she needs to live according to the expectations of others. I want her to be driven by her sweet, sincere and caring heart and to live according to what God would have her to do. I remind her that as long as she tries her hardest, does her best and pursues the things she loves, life will be good. I'm sure we will do things less conventionally more than a few times. I'm sure people will try to hold us back or cause us to question the directions we take, but thankfully we rest in the Lord and we can let Him carry the load of the race, instead of doing it all by ourselves.
Vanessa, in her own way, will learn about the depths of relationships, good and bad. She will determine how to play the game. She will be challenged to listen to her inner voice. She will create boundaries. She will develop an understanding to trust Him. She will share time, kindness and care.
I came across a prayer referenced by many and I find that it says it all for us today.
“Loving God, thank you for the gift of vacation we have all enjoyed,
especially (Daddy, Mommy, Vanessa and Zane). We ask Your guidance as
we begin a new school year as a family. Help us to listen
to each other, be patient when others are stressed, be helpful when
others are struggling, and be kind when others are frustrated. Guide us
all to be better students in Your word and ways, O God, and help us to
listen to ourselves, each other, and You.”