Thursday, June 21, 2012


This is a big summer for Vanessa. She attended her first VBS, independently. She loved it big time. Each day she came home singing I've Got Something to Say, rocking her body to the words and giving her biggest rah behind their meaning. She memorized each verse on the full armor of God. We continued arts and crafts at home, almost creating a surplus for a full armory, deplenishing our aluminum foil, tape, glue, stickers, flannel, plastic bowls and cardboard garbage. When home, she retold each day's drama. She learned about the spiritual battle between dark and light. She told about games and friends, ones she saw and ones she made. She was charged to donate items and money to arm troops with God's Word. She didn't like the idea of sharing from her piggy bank, but she was willing to work to earn more money to donate. And she did.
(She found through recent chores at Grandma and Grandpa's that she likes to wash vehicles. There's another related post that might post one day.)

She walked in the gym for pickup on Friday with a boy on each arm (instead of holding onto the rope like she was supposed to) -- at that moment I realized she has entered a new stage. She was sad to hear that she couldn't go back until next year. Her time made me think of the importance of summer camps and VBSs from my childhood and how they helped to shape me. She asked about all the events that have to happen before she can go back -- her way of relating her understanding of time. She learned that she would get to revisit VBS on the following Sunday, although she didn't fully realize she would be performing in front of an audience. When Vanessa went on stage, she stood there, looking at those around and behind her. After watching the worship leaders, she got into it and forgot she was stage struck. :)
(A church member offers her amazing gift with Northwest Bible to create an amazing set throughout the church.)
So thankful for the time she had. So happy to see her heart on fire. Later, after church, Vanessa explained to me that she went on stage and sang her VBS songs. I replied that I knew and was there to see it. :)