Friday, December 30, 2011

Orange you glad?

Zane decided to figure out a way to try this orange. He seemed to get the idea, using his fingers and teeth to peel small pieces. He decided to collect the pieces he peeled in a toy pot. Once he was bored with peeling, he placed the whole orange in the pot. He worked hard to keep the lid on just right. Then he had the idea to take the pot to the play kitchen to make roasted orange. He made several stops along the way, setting the pot on the floor to adjust the lid just so.
 He placed the pot in the oven. Pushed buttons to roast. Opened and peeked. Opened and peeked. Finally it was done.

I'm so glad for these moments to watch . . . well I'm not just glad, I'm thankful.

Zane is 15 months. He's so focused.  He loves sorting. He loves to pick up trash and throw it away. He takes his dirty diapers tied in bags to the garage to be tossed. He places things where they belong. He carries books to me to read. His favorite instrument is the toy violin. He carries it around begging for someone to turn it on. He relaxes on the couch with it, every so often pushing the button to switch songs or to begin a new one. He tries to work puzzles all on his own and is getting the idea with many pieces. He now yells and demands much more than he used to. He will attempt to whine but often stops when you tell him that he's all done with whatever he wants. You can tell him something is too messy to do, and he'll sometimes stop begging then too. He's such a jokester. He's not fighting bedtime as much, although he still needs early morning company with Mommy. Just this week he started asking to go to his room for a nap. Let's hope that sticks! (His nap ends up longer which provides Mommy and Vanessa more time together.) He's just an awesome little guy!