Friday, March 25, 2011


Vanessa LOVES puzzles and games. Her patience when working a puzzle is remarkable.
Setting up a game is very exciting. Spinning, picking cards from a deck, rolling dice, taking turns, and moving our pawns can be really fun too, even if we don't win. We hope for Vanessa to learn early the ins and outs of winning and losing. So we don't break rules and cheat to allow her to win. She's able to anticipate the result of moves and the possibility of winning or losing midway through a game. She's only wanted to quit once or twice to keep from losing. Here's a moment back in January when she didn't win. It was hard to accept but we cheered up when we learned we'd get another chance.
You can't win them all is hard to swallow when you're highly competitive . . . and three. Vanessa is learning to congratulate the winner -- Good job! Good move! That's it -- way to go! Thanks, Vanessa, I also need to be reminded that you can't win them all, and you'll benefit from experiencing both sides.