To no surprise right now Vanessa gets a little mixed up on who is who. Currently I hear lots of things like Mommy, pay attention to what you're doing. Mommy, Zane is hungry. Mommy, that's not okay. Mommy, I need you to turn your head and listen to me. Mommy, please be helpful. Mommy, look at the mess you're making. Mommy, why do you keep arguing with me? Mommy, that doesn't go there . . . it goes by the laundry door. That's okay -- Mommy will clean it. Mommy, maybe Zane doesn't want you to hold him. Mommy, give Daddy a kiss.
These pictures were taken in the last few months. Vanessa still loves to bake and is quite good with the stand mixer and hand mixer. She loves to try anything! (Scary.)