Monday, November 1, 2010

On the "Farm"

Wondering what's going on our farm? We're good. Very busy. Mommy started back to work on her contract, and between daily living and that, our days are flying by. Vanessa is getting back to moments of playing by herself, and that helps a ton. Zane is busy healing a horrible and open diaper rash but is content other than that. (Diaper rash is perhaps a sensitivity to something I'm eating. I don't think we could change diapers any faster. The little guy is spending a lot of time with his bare bottom in the air, all cuddled on his tummy with blanket or towel covering his abdomen -- not a picture for the blog but he still looks very cute.) Our farm feels a mess with piles of laundry and mail and toys strewn about, sort of like trying to house wild animals in a barn. But I just try to close my eyes or stay in one room so I'm not as distracted by obsessive thoughts to pick up or clean. :)

Since uploading a picture with a statement or two on the blog only takes a moment, I'm sure we'll continue to keep up with posts. I didn't want those who need something to look at as a break from work to think we'll leave them hangin'. :) Plus, it'll be nice to come back to revisit these posts in the future since time is flying way too fast to feel we're making memories. :)