With how busy December gets and the short season this year, we decided to celebrate our Mollohan Christmas this last weekend. We get so excited about the thought of us getting together. And we become really sad when the visit ends. As one might imagine with eight children, the visit goes by rather quickly. The kids range in ages 16 months to just about 15 years. Our oldest nephew, Ben, still hangs with us, fortunately. That’s how respectful and polite he is. Think back when you were fifteen . . . did you want to hang with a bunch of little ones bouncing off the walls? One or two might be fine, but eight?! :) He’s a good sport, and we’re extremely thankful he’s willing to hang with us.
So the visit was very busy. We ate wonderful Lorobi’s pizza and a little later we indulged in all kinds of goodies. Before enjoying the cupcakes, pumpkin cheesecake and so forth, Vanessa’s cousin Hannah suggested we sing Happy Birthday to Jesus. It was a sweet suggestion and we proceeded to do just that. For some odd reason I felt I had to look somewhere, so I fixed myself on the Baby Jesus hanging on the Advent calendar. I was probably obnoxious about it. But I have to say – it’s wonderful to be reminded of the true meaning of Christmas. And it’s even better when reminded by an almost-four-year-old.
It also snowed in Gallia County. By 12:30 or 1 it had made the roads very slick. It only takes a little snow down there to make that happen. The main roads do not remain treated, like in Columbus – snow plows and salt trucks come out there when the snow actually begins to hit. And to add to that – the roads are curvy and go up and down hills. So we saw numerous accidents . . . but fortunately we were not involved in any.
Below are a few photos from our visit. The kids were excited to have an excuse to play the game box. It provided two resting moments, in a sense, and a good photo op for the group. :)