He builds with LEGOs a lot. He builds on Minecraft a lot. He builds with just about anything. So far Hendrix is proving that he is the biggest homebody of all of us in this Betz Household. I'll offer to take him to toddler theater, to open gym, to the library. . . and he often replies "No, thank you. Not today. I want to go back home." Or sometimes if he's sort of interested he'll respond "We can go in 2 minutes."
I figure we still have a little time to push him out of his comfort zone a little more than I already do, to become more comfortable at events like I mentioned above, but I'm just so very intrigued by just how content he is when doing his own thing. So far I'm guessing he's technically more introverted than extroverted. He doesn't like large groups of people. When at big events he likes to remove himself from front and center and basically insists on it.
But he loves to go on outdoor adventures with family and friends and loves to run errands and go household shopping. He doesn't throw tantrums at the store and rarely asks for anything. He helps load the cart and unload the cart. He likes talking about all the things at the store, and when I place something in the cart he thinks we can go without, he will say "Mom, we don't need that. It's fifty thousand dollars." :-)
He asked to go back to a hotel to sleep for just the night -- I told him we have to pay money each time we stay at a hotel, so we'll wait till next time. "But Mom, there is monies in the cabinet in the kitchen." Yes, that's true, there is change we collect in the cabinet, but we're saving that for other stuff, like toy machines and toddler theater and . . . :-)
I feel very blessed that we're able to allow me to nurture him at home, based on his personality and preferences -- it makes his desire and ability to learn so much richer when he feels comfortable, for sure.