(The cabinet is like a second playhouse to Vanessa. Vanessa likes to climb in and out of the cabinet and explore all the different containers and lids it holds, so most of the time the items end up all over the kitchen floor. The quickest clean up is to go back after she's down for a nap or in another room and pick up the items to throw back in the cabinet, which also leads to cleaning the items again right before using them. Believe me -- there's no sense in stacking them neatly . . . I've tried . . . though perhaps one day we can get back to that point . . .)
So as I was saying . . . I needed a bowl and lid, so I walked over to the cabinet to find a set. As I’m sure many of you can relate, anytime I transition between anything, Vanessa’s ears perk up and she has to come check out if I’m getting into something she’s been forbidden, just to test the boundaries once more, or to see if there’s something new. Well this time Vanessa realized I was getting into her cabinet. She ran over quickly and began to protest loudly. She then climbed into the cabinet and closed the door. She carried on for a good thirty or forty-five minutes. I managed to fight for a bowl and lid, and was successful in putting away the leftovers. : )
And I’ve also posted some video of Vanessa telling her side of the story.